ARC Review: Through the Snow Globe by Annie Rains

Through the Snow Globe Through the Snow Globe by Annie Rains
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3 stars

Ah yes nothing says Merry Christmas quite like re-living the day you bombed a job interview and your beloved fiance got hit by a truck because you shook a magic snow globe and made a Christmas wish. Who wouldn't want to see how many different ways that delivery truck can hunt down Linus (aforementioned fiance) to run him down and put him in a Christmas coma?? After failing the same horrible job interview for a promotion at work?? Not me, that's for sure.

I had fun reading this book because after the first groundhog day loop Diana went through I wanted to see just how much more horrible it could get. And boy did it. Linus ended up in a coma after being hit by the delivery truck while riding his bike, as a passenger in a car, while walking, and while standing outside all at different times and situations. That truck had it out for his ass. 

The rules of the snowglobe groundhog day loop also made ZERO sense because Diana, Linus (while comatose), and a little boy they end up fostering (???) are all in the same loop. And how did the loop break? Was it by Diana oversharing with her patients and nailing the job interview and defeating the evil delivery truck trying to kill Linus? Of course not, it was by shaking the snow globe upside down this time! What a wonderful resolution! Diana learns nothing, fosters some kid, quits her physical therapy job, and runs Linus's toy store while he's indisposed all in a matter of two weeks. At Christmas. When stuff is definitely open and it's easy to fast track things like becoming a foster parent.

And of course Linus wakes up from the coma and is super ok with the surprise Christmas baby of an 8 year old boy they are now fostering. Because of course.

Merry Christmas! Hope you don't get run over again!

I received an ARC copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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