Interview with Rachel Reid, author of Heated Rivalry and The Long Game

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The Long Game (Game Changers #6) by Rachel Reid is out tomorrow, April 26th!
In ebook, audiobook and paperback

Rachel Reid is the author of Game Changers, one of the most popular hockey series in MM romance. The second novel in the series, Heated Rivalry, probably doesn't even need an introduction anymore. Since the book's publication in 2019, Ilya and Shane have been fan favorites in the heart of many readers. It is no surprise their sequel, The Long Game, is one of the most anticipated releases of 2022. Horse Talk Reviews got the chance to read an Advanced Reader Copy earlier this year and we feel confident that most readers won't be disappointed! You can read our reviews of The Long Game on the blog here

We got the chance to ask Rachel a few questions amidst all the excitement of tomorrow's release and here are her thoughtful answers. 

What is the most important part of your writing process?

Rachel: I can't stress the importance of a good editor enough. And by "good editor," I mean my editor, Mackenzie Walton. When I send her my manuscripts it's always with a bit of an apology because I know in my heart that the book is a mess. Mackenzie is so good at identifying the problem areas and guiding me toward fixing them without telling me exactly what to do. She's also a great cheerleader. I love Mackenzie!

If you rewrote the books as paranormal romances what would each character be? And is Fabian a vampire y/n? 

Rachel: Thank you for asking this important question. I am open to debate on this, but I would say: 
  • Scott: Centaur
  • Kip: Nymph 
  • Shane: Can see/talk to the dead and hates it
  • Ilya: Vampire 
  • Ryan: Sad ghost 
  • Fabian: Fae (but I will allow vampire) 
  • Eric: Sorcerer 
  • Kyle: Incubus 
  • Troy: Merman 
  • Harris: Satyr 

Out of all the characters who would be best described as "gas station hot"? 

Rachel: Y'know...maybe Harris? He's very country, always wears a denim jacket, drives a pickup truck... 

If Shane was a thoroughbred horse what would his horse show name be? 

Rachel: Furious Freckles 

If Shane and Ilya were actually thoroughbreds and racing the triple crown which one would win? 

Rachel: I think Shane would win most of the races because he usually comes first. 


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