ARC Review: New Adult by Timothy Janovsky

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
4 stars
I was rather surprised by this book (positive). It's about a comedian which I have absolutely no interest in because improv is my actual nightmare and it involves magic crystal which I do have an interest in as a part time spooky person but what it's really about is one of my FAVORITE tropes which is waking up in the future with absolutely no idea how you got there. (magic, amnesia, time travel??? all three??? read and find out!) I very much liked that the comedian character Nolan turns out to be a total bag of butts in the future and built his fortune on the back of horrible raunchy jokes which thank goodness this book has very little of the actual tight tens in it because no one needs to read those. It focused more on Nolan trying to redeem his alternative future self's buttwad lifestyle and reconnect with his BFF (and love), his family, and his comedic roots. And of course finding the magic crystals to go back in time and prevent it from ever happening. Which, a luxury wellness brand being the source of magical objects is an incredible premise. I wish my scented candles and essential oil collection let me automate my roku or read thoughts! Instead I have to use the remote and ask people like a normal person.
Anyway, this was very enjoyable and fun read despite the ridiculous premise and a comedian main character.
I received an ARC copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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