ARC Review: The Christmas Orphans Club by Becca Freeman

The Christmas Orphans Club The Christmas Orphans Club by Becca Freeman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3 stars

I love a good found family book but this one was rather mid. The timeline and POV jumps made it confusing to follow the arc of Finn and Hannah's friendship (the two POV characters) and why Christmas mattered so much to them. They also didn't seem like friends. Even in the years they allegedly weren't fighting it seemed like they hardly spent any time together? And barely knew each other? I don't know but it was a weird vibe.

This is another book that is being categorized as "romance" when it is more about the friendships. There is SOME romance but it's mostly at the end and not very impactful to the overall plot. I wish there was more focus on Finn and Theo getting together because a queer romance between two people in the Christmas Orphans Club seems like it would have some intriguing dynamics but it was glossed over completely because they get together at like 97% and have a happy ever after in the epilogue. Boring.

I also did not care at all about Hannah's boyfriend and him being such a baby about spending Christmas together with his family. I do not know why they can't, like, spend Christmas apart or do multiple Christmases in one day or give one Christmas Eve. This should not be that much of a problem but it took up like half of the book.

Overall, it was a fun read but there are better Christmas books out there.

I received an ARC copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own

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