ARC Review: Light Up the Lamp by Kit Oliver

Light Up the Lamp Light Up the Lamp by Kit Oliver
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3 stars

Perhaps my expectations were way too high but this book did not live up to them. Let's set aside the absurd shithole-level arena and facilities for an NHL team that would never be allowed and the training camp with roughly 6 people in attendance and focus on the non-hockey parts.

First of all, the miscommunication in here was off the charts. Poor Gil tries so hard but he only knows how to speak in hockey and no one helps him out at any point they only ever say "Oh, Gil" to him. Someone please help my buddy out and clearly explain the problems!!! How is he supposed to know anything at all he has one brain cell and it's dedicated to hockey and thinking "Sebastian" 500 times a second but he's so willing to try if only someone would guide him :(

This made the entire book frustrating to read because the 80% breakup is Gil speaking in his single-minded hockey way and Sebastian hating it but not actually telling Gil why. Both of them need to read Crucial Conversations or idk at least use their words out loud to each other. Being inside Gil's head with his circular thoughts and the dense writing style was almost too much to handle.

There are some very sweet moments, though. And thankfully none of the Hockey Problems are solved by them winning the cup or some bullcrap because it's still the pre-season when the book ends.

So, not the best Kit Oliver book (that would be Cow Book obviously) but as far as hockey romance goes it's decent enough.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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