ARC Review: Weyward by Emilia Hart

Weyward Weyward by Emilia Hart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 stars

This was an interesting and layered book with just enough witch stuff and birds and insects to keep me going. I don't think it says anything particularly new as the thesis seems to be "men are bad we should be single badass witches instead" including the first born child of the Weyward women always being a girl to keep the witching going, but I had a good time reading it anyway.

The thing keeping it from being a 5 star read is I had issues with a few of the narrative choices like the witch trial in the 1600s seeming way too modern. I'm pretty sure trials weren't like that at all but I wasn't there so what do I know.

Anyway, solid entry into the women's witch fiction genre!

I received an ARC copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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