Review: Pretty Policeman by Fifer Rose

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
How could I resist such a premise!! I couldn’t. Luckily, I did not come to regret this total lack of self control.
On the whole, this was entertaining read. With some editing and refocusing, it would have been an easy 4 star for me.
• I enjoyed the aggressive caretaking by Damon in the beginning, and the silliness of their initial encounters and miscommunication/situation.
• Micah was an amusing character to ride along with in the story, and I liked Tessa as a partner.
• Far too many descriptions of things that don’t matter. I don’t need every single detail of every scene, could have shaved off a solid 150 pages and read a lot smoother. Having to skim large parts to get to the scenes actually advancing the story was a bit of a bummer.
• Please, please, delete all the parentheses. If it’s relevant, it doesn’t need to be in parentheses. If it does, then just delete the sentence instead.
• This felt like two books smushed together. We have the serial killer plot - which gets very present in the later parts of the book - and then the undercover Pretty Woman/crime boss romance arc of it. They intersect, but not enough to feel like one book. Pretty much after they meet due to this setup, the two plots diverge the rest of the time.
• When the book is focused on the crime part, it felt like Damon wasn’t really part of the story at all anymore, which felt like it left big gaps in the romantic arc. I’m not really sure I felt like I ever knew much about Damon on the whole, actually. It would have been nice to spend time with him being mafia man or something. This goes back to the ‘two books in one’ problem I think.
• The end of the book is…sure is something. That’s a long scene (view spoiler) . And then the very last part, where we’re in Geoffreys POV?? wack. don’t do that. No jumping to secondary character POV!
• Plus bonus extra weird - the whole book we don’t see Damon being mafia man. He may as well be just an unscrupulous businessman (standard variety) and not a mob boss. But in the final pages of the book, we’re treated to a rendition of a series of violent things he does while sad about Micah…bad time my dude. Do this earlier, make it relevant, before they reunite. This felt like a “oops he hasn’t been mafia man ever in this book…time for violence?”
Overall, not a bad read. It was too long in not interesting ways, which made me skim at times. I think this also tried to do too much for one book, and both sides suffered for it. Still, a decent read, I’d probably check out another book by this author (pls make it more concise tho)
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