ARC Review: Just for December by Laura Jane Williams

Just for December Just for December by Laura Jane Williams
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

11/28/22: Review to come once the HarperCollins strike ends

2/16/2023: yay the strike has ended! (wtf harper collins u should be embarrassed by how long this took)

Review time!


DNF at 25%

I am once again asking for your support in writing a happy fluffy christmas book!!! jesus christ. This has been the least christmassy reading journey I have ever had in my life, with this lovely (not) thing to cap it off. At least no one died? the bar is low.

I don’t know what this trend in MF is where authors mix up “strong” FMCs with “heinous rude self-centered monster”, but here we are, yet again.

Duke: Duke is introduced as the saddest boi, most sympathetic character, just got emotionally betrayed and wounded and still believes in love and is generally adorable and doing his job.

Evie: Evi is introduced as a self sabotaging mean rude person who hates everything. She is an irredeemable asshole.

The romance: absolutely not. I will not accept this ever occurring. Duke deserves happiness. I want to launch Evie out a plane window, into an ocean volcano. SHe is awful. This isn’t even grumpy-sunshine territory, because grumpy characters have redeeming features.

She picks fights and is mean and rude and judgmental and then blames him for it. Calls him fake for liking her books? Why can’t he like her books. I am so mad about this. He tries to many times to connect and be nice and fan and she is irrational and cruel and here’s some quotes to illustrate it.

‘If it’s any consolation,’ Duke tells her, ‘I’m not exactly over the moon myself.’ ‘No need to be rude about it,’ says Evie. Duke startles. ‘How am I being rude? You just said the same thing!’ ‘You didn’t have to agree so readily,’ she says, pouting.

excuse me? permanent victim here.

'You seem to think I’m, like, rudeness personified,’ Evie says. ‘Which is, in itself, really rude.’

have you tried not being a rude monstrosity of a person

she also throws a latte at him. not cute. violence is not ok.

I have been assured that she never improves and also never apologizes.

Overall, this was a travesty of un-christmassy proportions and i regret having to inflict it on my innocent eyes

I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. All the opinions are my own.


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