Review: Wrong Hunt by JS Harker

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
3.5 stars
On the whole, this was a pretty entertaining read, and I enjoyed it. It had mean family, which I have such a weakness for - saddest boi zack being bullied by his mean family!! how dare
and then he finds out they're also terrible and judgey and he finds acceptance and niceness in the alleged enemy (vampire/supernaturals) and has to face the pull between being accepted (maybe) by his mean family and everything he's known, vs being accepted by actually nice people...such the best.
That part was actually pretty light - Zack didn't face a whole lot of tension accepting that his family sucked and the supernaturals were nice, especially because his family (especially brother!) were OTT Evils. I don't mind that though.
I liked that the romance and plot were well woven together, it never felt like one got in the way of the other. It also never felt choppy.
However! My one major gripe, that deducted half a star, and had me considering rounding down to 3 after enjoying this as a solid 4 star:
This is abruptly closed door. Like "slammed in your face" closed door. It doesn't fit. There's solid initial sexual encounters, and then abruptly nothing. Skip to morning. Skip to "we had tons of sex lol" ok?? show me!
This was especially egregious to me because of the loss of emotional intimacy. Zack has a lot of hangups and insecurity around sexual stuff, it's mentioned and carried through the whole book. It would have been the absolute best moment to see him being nervous and then Roger being accepting and sweet and caring!! But we skipped that. It felt like a really big loss in the story and the development of their relationship. >:(
This is also the beginning of a series, not really a cliffhanger ending. But clearly unfinished storylines, which is fine. I kinda guessed it would be.
Overall, this was a solid start, a nice read. Unfortunately it shorted itself in the emotional intimacy scenes and made me cranky. I'll probably still keep an eye out for the rest of the series.
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