Review: Temporary Partner by Nicky James (Valor and Doyle #1)

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Excellent start to this series! Or continuation, if you read the prequel.....which you should! I know it says optional, but I think it made reading this a lot better. It introduces the characters and their dynamics - which are well developed here - and you get the background for the events discussed in this book. Also its fun.
Anyway. I really enjoyed this book! I couldn't put it down - such tightly written tension on all fronts!! I'm a total dingdong for crime solving, and this was perfect for me. I had no idea who could be the culprit, and I got to suspect literally everyone ever. Except the MC, that one takes serious chops to pull off. But anyway. Loved the crime mystery!! (this is a strong positive, i love not knowing what's going on and just like to keep pace with the MCs as they solve it. if i can solve the mystery, its a very bad sign)
The chemistry between these two was pretty good as well. Explosive encounters after a lot of build up, which worked super well with their personalities. This did focus a lot more on Quaid and his ex, though Aslan had his own personal arcs as well. I've already started the second one, which seems to be more Aslan-focused, so I'm liking the balance.
My issues though, that kept this from being a 5 star...was Aslan. He was just too frat-broish. Just too much sleaze and innuendo and flat out propositions. Luckily it did get toned down a bit, but it did really grate. I'm hoping with his personal growth arc and history it'll continue to be addressed.
Overall, this was a fantastic read! I immediately started the second - that overarching plot line is seeing these two grow independently and together is gonna be so good.
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