Review: Sexting with a Ghost by Ashlynn Mills (Haunted Love)

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I always did have bad taste in men. Normally their issues were being assholes, and now the guy I'm crushing over may not even have a pulse.

This was a cute 4 star ghosty romance...until the end. >:(

4 stars: I liked seeing the cute sexting and dating and connection between Darcy and Caleb. It was very sweet seeing them establish a connection and then deepen it despite ghostyness. Though the "communicating while sleeping" was comically silly, since it read exactly like Darcy was still awake, but whatevs.

There was a great balance of the romance and mystery too, throughout the book. It felt naturally connected, no choppiness found. The reveal !! wat (positive)

why it's now 3 stars:

spoilers for the ending!!!

(i cant figure out spoilers on here - check my review on goodreads for this part!)

Anyway. Lots of thoughts on the ending. It's still a cute story, I recommend it for the romance and ghosty parts, and while the end was frustrating to me, I'm sure many people can just ignore it.

Sexting with a Ghost on Amazon

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