Review: Eden by Avon Gale and Emily Rossman

Eden Eden by Avon Gale
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Unfortunately this book just did not work for me. Here are a few of the more glaring issues:

1. Alaska....??

This books greatest sin: it’s set in Alaska, with two wilderness tour guides, going on wilderness tours, and there is almost no description of the scenery! I read this because Alaska is gorgeous!! This quote is the extent of what we get, essentially:
...and he found himself taking plenty of photographs and even sketching the view from the beach as the group talked and laughed around the fire. He didn’t often sketch in public, because he despised people asking if they could see what he was doing, but the landscape was too gorgeous and inspiring to pass up.
“it is pretty”

ok? tell me how it’s gorgeous!! describe it!!! oh my god. this book could be set anywhere with some water.

2. Dishonorable discharge

Brandon is given a dishonorable discharge - this is like a felony! This is so extra. Go read this review if you want the details because I am of the same opinion on how absurd it is he has a DD.

3. nick the supermodel

Why do they talk about the model-hot fisherman Nick so much? out of nowhere “wow nick is hot” ok? why. Good for nick tho

4. boring

truly, this is boring. The MCs barely talk about anything outside of work for like half the book, and never really have a conversation of substance until the very end, when secondary characters force it. they are cardboard. they have no chemistry.

5. the ending.

pls no. the level of cheese!! shut up

Overall, this just didn’t work. When it wasn’t a snooze, it was absurd in a not good way.

View all my reviews


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