Review: Dix by Emmy Sanders (Elite 8 Studios #1)

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

“Oh, griniári mou,” he says softly. Those words again, whatever they mean. “Don’t you see? I like you.”
This was so cute!! I love the whole premise - porn stars having to pretend to be boyfriends on camera. I already adore fake boyfriends, but the inversion of it where the sexual intimacy is what has to be faked rather than negotiating PDA levels is always so fun!

Dix and Niko were so adorable, separately and together. It's one sided enemies to lovers, but not like real enemies obviously, or even trying to be real hate. More like Dixon is judgey and unhappy and Niko is a lot for him to handle so he gets mad about it. Normal dislike levels, but it made for some great emotional thawing and growth between them! I have no idea if that made sense.

The Malibu arc had me so stressed!! That brought in a nice secondary plot, since the porn plot couldn't support an entire book on its own, but it was also worked in seamlessly, and it showed Dix's caretaking side which was so cute.

I also loved the found family of porn stars - so sweet! I guess Mateo was part of it, left in a separate book some other series? Idk i didn't care about him, but everyone else was nice. I would love to read more about this group.

Ok idk why I'm writing so much, but I also enjoyed seeing Dix get along and get accepted by Niko's big family. So wholesome!!

Overall, this was just too cute. I loved it. So much sweetness and emotion and funny moments woven together, plus a found family and an accepting biological family too.

Dix on Amazon

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