Review: Death's Bloom by Lily Mayne (Monsters & Mayhem)

My rating: 1 of 5 stars
DNF at 53%
I guess I'm probably an outlier on this one! I have only read one other book by this author - Soul Eater - so it's entirely possible this is a case of writing-taste mismatch. No idea. Maybe if you're already a fan this will work better?
• In general, I thought this was just super boring. Zero horror, definitely zero darkness.
• Most of the time is taken up describing random daily tasks.
• The characters were very flat, like cardboard. The severe case of instalove didn't help.
• I skimmed the sex scenes because I didn't feel any chemistry between them, so I didn't feel like reading the extended fucking.
• There's a few attempts at being spooky demon cow man, and a little uptick in spoop around the time I quit, but even those were pretty uninteresting to me.
Overall, this was just not interesting to me, and was distinctly lacking in horror vibes. A real bummer.
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