Review: Chasing Shadows by MA Church

Chasing Shadows Chasing Shadows by M.A. Church
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

DNF at 12%

The blurb for this one sounded pretty neat, and to be totally honest…I got this author mixed up with a different author when I started reading it. I’ve DNFd two books before by this author, and this one has pretty much the same issues I had with the other books (my reviews here and here) so …yeah.

The issues I had in this book:

• The writing is extremely choppy.

• It reads like there’s parts missing - characters make leaps that leave me confused, because they’re working on information that I don’t have to make whatever connection they’re making. I’m not talking about a logical leap to solve a mystery or something, this is mid-normal conversation about irrelevant things.

• The dialogue, oh lord. The dialogue. How is it stilted, half formal, and yet very young? The demon’s dialogue is sooo cheesy and like mall ninja levels of edge.

• Awkwardly inserted info dumps - like when Austin officially meets his demon whoever, the other dude there is like abruptly lecturing them on demon kind or something. Very weird. Unsmooth.

• Which is another issue - so much telling, no showing.

• Plus, the characters are pretty flat. I am chucking this early, so maybe they get more depth later, but based on my previous reads by this author I doubt they do and I don’t feel like sticking around to find out.

Overall, I found this not fun to read and just kind of uninteresting.

View all my reviews


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