Review: And the Best Man Ran Away With the Groom by Isla Olsen

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
This was not one of Olsen's better books. Mostly it's very flat - I couldn't keep track of the two main characters, because they never felt like actual people. I don't think I ever even knew what they looked like (one has long hair I guess), and they didn't have personalities outside of sex.
In the beginning, it felt like they weren't really interacting with each other, even when they were actively having conversations. It was a bit strange.
While I like the fluff and low angst that Olsen writes, this went too far in the substanceless for me. It felt like nothing actually mattered - getting dumped at the altar, accepting that the best friend is willing to just crawl out a window to avoid responsibilities, etc. These are kinda big deals, and it had like no impact. Everyone was just a little too chill.
Also - the glossaries at the end of chapters?? What on earth prompted this? All of these words can be picked up either because they are obvious, or via context...and why would you add glossaries by chapter? It really messed up any flow the book would try to build.
Overall, this was definitely not a winner. Ultimately, it was flat on all counts, but at least I was able to skim to the end.
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