ARC Review: Prince in Disguise by Tavia Lark (Perilous Courts Book #2)

the kevin's review: 4 of 5 stars
Another fun and romantic fantasy romance! This one is more adventure-plot based compared to the previous book, which was more interpersonal/intrigue. I liked the shift - it balances well within the series.I enjoyed the characters a lot too, Bellamy and Rakos were very amusing together, and of course I loved Sarka. I hope there's more dragon-y stuff in the next book too, this one did some intriguing openings. I also always love the plant magic, so much fun!
My one major issue was the random Julien POV chapter in the middle of the book. It didn't add anything, and it actually was detrimental to my reading enjoyment. It interrupted the story of Bellamy/Rakos and their travels, didn't add anything, and then sort of spoiled a moment (minor, not a plot spoiler) later in the book that would have been fun to guess on for it's whole two pages or whatever. Basically, a small thing but it was very jarring to me to have that sudden POV switch and gain negative value from it.
Overall, I had a lot of fun reading this! Unique characters, fun magic, new country (pls map!! i love map), new lore...what's not to love!
erratic's review: 4 of 5 stars
Another solid book by Tavia! While this one didn't quite reach the levels of the first in the series, Prince and Assassin, there was still a lot to enjoy. To start, the broadening of the magic systems in this universe was well done. Because dragons> Dragons you can talk to. Also a teleporting ferret who can also talk to the dragons. I wonder what magic animal the third book will bring!
Anyway, back to this book, the adventuring road trip was a nice plot set up and you get to see Bellamy come into his own. Also both main characters are terrible at disguises. One part I wish was more developed was the part where Rakos (the dragon rider MC) decides he needs to go back to Bellamy and their eventual falling in love. The romance was probably the weakest part of the book for me but even so, it was still mostly well done.
Can't wait to read the third brother's book!
We received this ARC from the author in exchange for our honest reviews. All opinions are our own.
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