ARC Review: How the Wallflower was Won by Eva Leigh

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I wasn't planning on reading a straight regency romance but I was told this one had a dining table sex scene so obviously I became interested. Now that I have read it I can confirm that boy does it ever have a dining table sex scene. A+ work on fulfilling my exactly one expectation for the book.
As for the rest of the stuff that doesn't take place on a dining table, it was a fairly decent regency romance. The intellectual pursuits of the titular wallflower were interesting (to a point. Some of it felt like name dropping a bunch of philosophers i dont give a crap about. What is with books thinking I am here to learn!) and the support between the two main characters for fulfilling these pursuits was nice. I also enjoyed how nonjudgmental the intellectual female lead was to the dude's inability to read well. It was very sweet.
On the other hand, I could have done without the constantly repeated dramatique "i dont want to get hurt and fall in love with this person" stuff that was at the end of every chapter for both character points of view. Really all the relationship hurdles were boring and repetitive. Shut up and talk to each other and leave me out of it, characters!
I am also kind of intrigued by the main character for the next book who is the third dude in the trio who have to get married to get their allowances or whatever because he seems like a real sad boi. Maybe they'll go for a more advanced sex location like a rooftop or an even fancier dining table! Stay tuned...
I received an ARC copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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