Review: Textual Relations by Cate Ashwood

Textual Relations Textual Relations by Cate Ashwood
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A cute little novella with the worlds most oblivious man ever, plus a bi-awakening. Generally a sweet fluffy read, with absolutely no angst.

The main issue I had was that I had a little trouble connecting with this, and buying into the emotions between the MCs because I felt like I never got to know Asher. It's all Henry's POV, and Asher stays sort of...perfect? They say he's a player, but he gets hooked onto Henry immediately so we never seen any evidence of that (novella problems I suppose). But that leads to not much depth in the connection since he doesn't have much depth himself. A small issue, but the main one I had.

Anyway, still sweet. Good for a quick palate cleanser type fluff read.

Textual Relations on Amazon

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