Review: Stargazing with a Ghost by KL Hiers (Haunted Love)

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was a book, kinda cute, kinda annoying.

It felt to me like it had trouble deciding what kind of book it wanted to be. The ghost fucking plot and the Evil Staircase plot are sort of chunked together, and it lacked flow. It seemed like its goal was to be cute and funny but then the Evil Staircase plot would try to be ominous at times and it didn't work for me. Or maybe it wasn't trying to be ominous. Maybe I was expecting more spooky vibes than there were ever meant to be (none).

I struggled a bit to connect with the writing - it's sort of choppy? I'm not sure, but I didn't get hooked into the story. All the characters spoke the same as well, with the exception of Sip, who still managed to speak the same as the Hollywood starlet ghost.

The romance is just instalust plus a whole lot of sex.

The extended discussion of The Walking Dead, a show I know nothing about and care nothing about, was really annoying. I already hate pop culture references, but detailed discussions? Absolutely not.

Points for having some creative ghost sex later though! That saved this from being a 2 star read.

Stargazing with a Ghost on Amazon

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