Review: Sem by Cora Rose (Unexpected #2)

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

“Fine, I’ll tell you what makes you extraordinary and I’ll tell you every single day until you believe them yourself. Shall I start now?”
Aww this was super cute! It was a hilarious and goofy read as well, just such fun. I loved all the carrying around, it was just precious. I enjoyed seeing how Maggie fit into Sem's family so well, especially the monster truck date which was so fun.

“Yeah. I only look like that when people mess with you. When I see you get hurt my brain cracks a little, and I go a bit nuts. I just want you to be safe.” 
Only complaints are the dramatique run away breakup thing, which felt kind of ott, but did lead to funny moments with the family, and the dual epilogue. why two epilogues

Overall, lots of fun! Very cute pair.

Sem on Amazon

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