Review: Crooked Shadows by MA Grant (Whitethorne Agency #2)


erratic's review: 4 of 5 stars

Well this certainly wasn't a standalone book! It picks up right where book 1 left off and then ends on a cliffhanger. Highly recommend starting at the beginning and reading all three books in the trilogy.

Even though it begins where book 1 ended and continued a lot of the story lines it still managed to feel like a whole new (albeit not standalone) story. The change in setting from New York to Romania and the bloody vampire road trip vibes were fun. I also enjoyed seeing Christian and Atlas grow closer and take care of each other more.

My main gripe is there is far too much that is glossed over and not explained enough. For example, there is an emotional feeding between Christian and Atlas which goes bad but it's never explained why it goes bad or what exactly it means??? It seemed to be going fine to me? Maybe it's because I am not educated in all the ways of the vampire and don't know any better. But still, give me a few more sentences of exposition please!

the kevin's review: 4 of 5 stars

Wow what a cliffhanger!! Glad I can move straight into the third book (which is out next week!) because !!!😱😱😱

This was a great second book in this series - I loved getting to see Cristian and Atlas's relationship grow deeper and more understanding, even as they continue to work together on the external issues that threaten them. The balance between Cristian trying to communicate with Atlas being a prickly boi, so fun to read.

The external plot and tension was excellent! Slowly builds throughout the book, and that ending! Plus, I can never say enough how much I love reading a bodyguard who actually gets to competently bodyguard!

My only issue so far with the writing is that it has a tendency to gloss over some things, and I sometimes feel like I totally missed something or am confused, especially when it comes to their more detailed communication events. The thing I was confused by in book 1, was actually addressed (almost) in this one, so maybe it just takes forever for them to get around to talking about the parts I think I missed. ....what a confusing sentence.

Overall! Very enjoyable, this is shaping up to be a very fun and solid paranormal mystery same-couple series.


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