Review: The Button Man by Davidson King

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

DNF at 60%

I picked this up because of the title - Button Man. What a dumb name for an assassin. I need to know why! Button Man sounds like the neighbor of the Muffin Man.

To my absolute disappointment, I never learned why it was Button Man. Why is this a family thing, all “button men”?? I word searched when I DNFd. The only explanation (“explanation”) we ever get is early on:
I was eighteen when I made my first kill and when I returned home, covered in blood, and feeling like a piece of my soul had died with my victim, my grandfather handed me a little black box. Inside was a pin. It was made of gold, and it was a button. He and my father stood side by side that day, their eyes shining with pride, and informed me that I was now a button man.
Why a button!! Why is it a family button! If its a critical button, tell me more about this murder button! What kind!!! argh i need more information on this dumb as fuck name!!

Imagine hearing “the button man is coming for you” ok what’s he gonna do, fix my shirts? lol loser

I had a lot of other issues with this book, such as:

• there were two plots, the mafia thing and then random kid shit, neither of which actually meshed

• scenes were short and choppy, which was made worse by the dual choppy plot problem

• kelly was a gary stu, solving all sorts of problems and doing everything except murder

• duke was a complete dipshit, i don’t know how he walks and breathes at the same time

• kelly’s much vaunted problem solving skills with people were to talk over them, illegally threaten them, and then strut around like a dipshit

• there is zero chemistry between the leads

• conversation was very stilted and awkward, especially when it was being heavy handed expositional dialogue

• lots of random boring information that mattered absolutely not at all

• by the time i quit, they’d made like zero progress on anything

Overall, I had a bad time.

View all my reviews


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