ARC Review: Murder at Union Station by David S Pederson

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Expected publication: September 13 2022

A historical murder mystery set in 1946 Phoenix - I was intrigued by the setting, as this isn’t a time period I see a lot. Plus murder mystery!

The author did put a lot of effort into the accurate historical detail, especially hats. So many hat. It made for a very distinctive setting for the book, which I appreciated.

Unfortunately I did find this to be a little bland and emotionless. Most of the book is expositional dialogue, with no time spent on characters thinking - not even the MC - or reflecting on things. There’s little to no discussion of how people react, until the very end. This imbalance made it read like a recitation of facts rather than an immersive story to me.

I liked Lydia, she made for an amusing balance to Mason. The mystery had potential, but was hampered by the lack of investment I had in it.

Overall, it was a unique setting and I appreciated the level of historical detail the author went into on this. I would have liked more depth in the book, with Mason actually engaging with the crime and people he investigated, but it was an interesting enough read to keep me going.

I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. All the opinions are my own.  

Murder at Union Station on Amazon

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