Review: The Marriage Ring by Cathy Maxwell (Scandals and Seductions #3)

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Horse rating: 🐴🐴 of five horses

This was very sweet, I really liked both Richard and Grace, and especially them together.

Grace was a lovely character, facing her past and all the mental baggage she had from life. She never let it get her down, even if it made her defensive at times (understandably) but still open to hope and connection with Richard.

Poor bb Richard, trying so hard to be good enough and fit in and he just struggles. I loved seeing him find himself slowly throughout the book.

He also wished he’d taken a moment to tell her what he really thought about her. He’d tell her she was beautiful—but then she’d heard that from a hundred other men. So Richard amended his thoughts. He decided, if he could speak to Grace one last time, he’d tell her how resourceful she was, and wise. And that he admired her intelligence and even her bluntness that could set his teeth on edge.

there was just so much sweetness as they worked on understanding and learning each other!!

Her love defied rational explanation. He was a lump of a man, full of human failings. She’d seen him at his worst and at his best—and loved him anyway
They both had well done personal growth arcs, as well as coming together. This is one of those books where I can really see them being happy for a long time, as seeing them coming together in partnership throughout the events. It's so sweet. And they had great communication - even the miscommunications/struggles were addressed in a totally reasonable way.

All around a very enjoyable read.
“You know the times I’ve failed.” He refused to look at her. “I know only the number of times you’ve thrown your heart and soul into something you believe in. I know you aren’t afraid to do what is right. I know I trust you with my life.” “You are trusting me with more than your life,” he told her. “I’m trusting you because I love you.”
The Marriage Ring on Amazon (I got this from the library - I also did not read the first two, this works just fine as a standalone!)


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