Review: Late Bloomer by Morgan Hawes

Late Bloomer Late Bloomer by Morgan Hawes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sometimes a book just really, really works for me even if it doesn't seem like it should. This one is long, it spends several pages describing the contents of various homes in detail (not a trinket left undescribed), the two main characters spend a huge part of the book with other people, so much could be solved with a little bit of communication, and it's the slowest of emotional burns. But Late Bloomer hit the domestic slow burn vibes exactly right.

I can't even say I'd recommend this book to anyone. It requires some commitment to vibe along for 700+ pages! If you like books by Kit Oliver or Tal Bauer this one has a similar feel while being completely different. I mean, it is omegaverse. But somewhere between a detailed summary of the contents of one of the main character's home office and the emotional pining for 95% of the book it hooked me.

So, read it! 5 stars! Or don't because it's super long and I don't want to hear any complaints about the length and slow burn. Live your truth.

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