Review: I Am God's Dagger by KA Merikan (Virtuous Sinners)

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Horse rating: 0 of five horses

This one is a little hard to rate. 3.5 stars I guess? My enjoyment levels were incredibly variable as I read it, so I'm gonna.......round down.

It is dark, and does need the warnings, so make sure to read those.

This has a strong start, great mystery tension, great suspense. This book has the Merikan hallmarks, which I always appreciate.

Unfortunately, there's a complete flat zone in the middle where I was really, really bored. I did a lot of skimming. I had trouble buying into their relationship and connection, which made their interactions uninteresting. I really struggled to make it through this middle third or more.

Once I made it to around 65%, it picked up again, probably because it was much more plot heavy than the (imo, weak) romance focused. I really enjoyed the plot overall, it was a stellar mystery/confusion, and nice and bonkers.

Overall, the book was fine. I guess. The middle dragged so much for me I can't round up so three stars it is.

Virtuous Sinners series
I Am God’s Dagger ⭐⭐⭐
Dark Valor ⭐⭐
Day of Judgement ⭐
Speak and Obey ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Moment of Truth (i cannot find this??)
Nightingale - ⭐
Man of Carnage
Pure Silence
The Right Way to Wrong - n/a  

I Am God's Dagger on Amazon

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