ARC Review: Let It Snow by Beth Moran

My rating: 1 of 5 stars
Horse rating: 0 of 5 horses
Expected publication: August 30th 2022

I read until 36%, and then the absolutely bonkers job interview was stressing me out so I skipped ahead and read the last 15%, and….uhhhh. This does not have the happy Christmas romance vibes I was expecting. It feels mildly grinchy to DNF, but it was not at all working for me on several levels.


• There is so much going on with this plot. Plots. There’s like 7 major plot lines. It is way too much for any book. Please, just pick one or two! I don’t need a romance, a job drama, an Evil Woman, Family Drama, ??? things, romance, an ex, etc. It’s just so much.

• Everything was described. I don’t need to know the details about everything.

• This relied heavily on flashbacks for building the romance and story, which didn’t quite work for me. It still never built a connection between Henry and Bea. Obviously, there’s probably more in that middle part I skipped, but the love declaration coming at the very end (and how it was done) makes it clear there wasn’t much of a build anyway.

• The job plot line…the way it resolved. I don’t…see that as being super happy, given certain elements. She’s got (view spoiler)


• At first I really disliked Bea. Why is she so mean and dismissive? What this immediate defensiveness? And then I met her family. Damn girl, with family like that, who needs enemies? She’s doing great despite them. And should honestly tell them to get bent. (I hate families who are excused from being shit because they “mean well” - take your intentions and gtfo, also how can there be any good intentions in saying something like “your piddly little job is meaningless to me”) I mean, look at this quote!

‘Henry is an astrophysicist, Mum,’ I snapped. ‘I’m a professional meteorologist!’

‘I think I’ll count the opinion of someone who’s actually been outside above that of a local weathergirl, given the BBC’s usual level of accuracy, if you don’t mind.’
I mean, Bea’s still kind of a jerk sometimes, but wow I get it now.

• Henry is just sort of a person. I don’t know. He’s fine? Pining? Whatever. Bea calls him a robot all the time, but he seems normal and quiet and that just makes her look rude.

• I hate everyone else, and boy are there a lot of them.

Overall, this did not work for me. Is it me? I don’t think so. Maybe my expectations on the level of Christmas-Hallmark vibes were off. I skipped the middle, but the elements were not shaping up into anything at all, just introducing more and more plot lines, and reading the last 15% did not instill confidence I’d enjoy reading that middle half.

I do hope this works for other people at least!

I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. All the opinions are my own.

Let It Snow on Amazon

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