ARC Review: I Am God's Dagger by K.A. Merikan

I Am God's Dagger I Am God's Dagger by K.A. Merikan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a difficult review to write without spoiling the whole book so here are some notes that are hopefully not too generic.

- I recommend going into this book without reading any spoilers if possible. Definitely look at the content warnings because there is some dark stuff in it but otherwise go in unbiased!

- It starts out strong, drags for the middle portion, then really picks up towards the end. I had to push myself through the 40%-60% portion of the book before I was invested again.

- For how dark the book is the romance and ending were very cute.

- There is a CAT!

- We were THIS CLOSE to emotional hair brushing and it didn't happen. :(

- It's very Merikan, really. Not really the best work they've done but very distinctively theirs.

- I am going to pretend the emotional hair brushing happens off page because otherwise what is the point in all of this pain!

- Overall, if you can handle the CWs (and definitely read them first!!!) this book is worth a read.

View all my reviews


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