ARC Review: Christmas Eve at Cranberry Cross by Kate Forster

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Horse rating: horses are in protective custody
Expected publication: September 29th 2022

I don't even really know how to review this. What on earth.

From the blurb:

An absolutely charming and uplifting Christmas love story of hope, forgiveness, and the true meaning of Christmas.

Based on the blurb, I was anticipating a fluffy Christmas romance where the scroogy writer learns the meaning of Christmas and love and helps the FMC do something idk.

• This was incredibly depressing. There's surprise kids in this - neglected, emotionally damaged kids. The 7 year old buries dolls in the snow to rescue them because she is so lost. The teenager hides in a tower not talking to anyone. Cosy.

• I liked Eve, generally. She was a solid character.

• I did not like Edward. He was incredibly selfish and a terrible parent. This is acknowledged in text, but isn't super well addressed.

• I did not buy into the light speed romance because Edward sucked.

• Eve fixed everything in this book. It was super unbalanced - Edward did nothing for her. There should be an exchange of something, but no, Eve fixed his writing and his contracts and his family etc, and he does absolutely nothing except chain her to her evil boss. Unreal.

• The cheating. Unacknowledged by literally everyone except the NOT EX WIFE! They weren't divorced!! She is not an ex!!!!

• I cant believe this Jane Eyre'd the wife. That's how this is resolved? A house fire?

• The writing on the whole was quite readable, and I did enjoy some of the meta writing commentary.
‘Your heart just exploded,’ Flora announced taking the stethoscope off his chest. ‘You’re dead now.’
I wish, flora

Overall, this was an absolutely perplexing read. I found the blurb to be wildly misleading. Not cozy, not romantic, not very Christmassy...

I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. All the opinions are my own.

Christmas Eve at Cranberry Cross on Amazon

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