the kevin's Weekly Roundup: Week of June 25 - July 1

This included the tail end of Discord bingo for pride month, which involved a lot of regret.

Books I finished

Bound to Two Bears by Kelex free, 1/5

sweet embrace of death

this was for Bad Lube square (mud), and the bears were extreme dub con?? it was pretty messed up honestly.

Learning the Ropes by RJ Moray Kindle Unlimited no rating

for the Diagram square (shibari). no rating because I don’t like anything about this setup or this authors writing lmao

Brother Dear and Brother Mine by R Phoenix smash words, 3/5 both

Fun not-romance dark bonkers stuff. Twincest. The writing style didn’t really work for me, which I think made the story fall a little less fun. I did like the ending a lot, very creative and unique.

Consequences of Crying by Abigail Kade Kindle Unlimited 2/5

Still haven’t learned my lesson about multi author series, but this one is such a neat premise (fairytales!!). This sucked. I should have DNFd but i was curious about the plot and jumped to the end to see. Suckered.

Werewolves of Chernobyl by KA Merikan and LA Witt Kindle Unlimited 2/5

This could have been good, I liked the werewolves, but wow Quinn was a boring POS. It was very very clear which character/chapters were by which author. There was almost a savior vibe thing going on, rescuing the poor dumb werewolves by the white western man…anyway, I don’t recommend it.

Jack Addison vs Man Ravishing Spider and Jack Addison vs Nessie’s Tentacles by KA Merikan KU 4/5 both

A fun serial, first two installments. Monster fucking. It’s making for a good palate cleanser between books.

My Kind of Christmas by Romeo Alexander 4/5 Kindle Unlimited

shut up its a comfort read. i adore this book.

Executive Decision by Alice Archer free from something 2/5

A novella that was baffling in its nothingness.


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