the kevin's Weekly Roundup: Week of July 9 - July 15

My reads for the week of July 9-15! A mixed bag.

Contract Season by Cait Nary ARC 4/5

This was a lovely fake relationship book between a hockey player and a country musician star. It was more …sedate? than my typical experience with fake relationships and musician stories, much more smooth emotional arc. I really enjoyed it. And there were no lyrics!!! None at all!!!!! just feels.

Whit by Cora Rose Kindle Unlimited 4/5

I didn’t expect to like this one so much! Caleb is just a total himbo and it was very cute seeing him attempt to understand his obsession/attraction to Whit, and Whit dealing with this giant dumbass golden retriever of a person. Very cute and sweet. The writing was choppy at the beginning but it smoothed out.

Jack Addison vs a Pack of Horny Werewolves and Jack Addison vs Centaur Pimps by KA Merikan Kindle Unlimited 4/5 both

Story 3 and 4 in this serial. Fun, monsterfucking, starting to get emotional development going now too! Very curious where it’ll all go.

Beauty Bound by Megs Pritchard Kindle Unlimited 1.5/5

Another multi author Grim Delights story. My kryptonite. Pain. Anyway, this was probably baby first dark romance and it shows. Choppy rapid fire writing removed any sense of tension, overuse of the word ‘bitch’ made it cheesy instead of threatening or demeaning…stockholm was engaged like a light switch. in all, this was a stinker. I also don’t see the parallel with Beauty and the Beast.

The Barony Bet by Kai Butler Kindle Unlimited 3/5

A regency space novel, fake relationship…it was cute. lacks emotional depth and connection so that was a bit of a bummer since this trope combo (fake relationship, best friends to lovers, unrequited love) is my favorite for strong feels, but didn’t quite make it. Not bad though.

To Tame a Beast by Elizabeth Silver Kindle Unlimited 3/5

Fairytale retelling of Beauty and the Beast in a fantasy sort of world. This world but plus fantasy I think? idk. It’s a fun setting. Anyway, didn’t quite live up to my hopes, felt a little emotionally shallow and used too much page time for sex than the redemption arc of the Beast in this one. still cute.

The High Kings Golden Tongue by Megan Derr 4/5

overall a fun fantasy read, good characters. too many side characters though. i had no idea who all those people were so a lot of the moments of import where whatsisface is doing political shenanigan maneuvering fell flat because id already forgotten what was happening. Still, fun fantasy read.


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