the kevin's Pride Month MM Reading Bingo results

Results: regret.

I actually filled out the board twice for fun, once for only June books, and once for all of my 2022 reads. Behold, the evidence of my suffering:

June Bingo Blackout

A blackout of mistakes read in June, most specifically for the board. 

The list of books and their corresponding squares, from left to right:

Top row: 
Second row: 
Third row: 
Fourth row: 
Fifth row: 

2022 Bingo Blackout:

Some overlapping squares of course, and less pain but still quite the experience. 

Top row: 
Second row: 
Third row: 
Fourth row: 
Fifth row: 


Well, it was a fun (sort of?) experience. Next time we make bingo, it will be a board with significantly less pain and suffering. Some of these were excellent reads! Others....not so much. 


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