Review: Whit by Cora Rose (Unexpected #1)

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was really adorable!

I loved Caleb - such a total himbo. He was so needy and cute and just a dingdong and it made it such a fun read. He was just so sweetly dense. I liked that he had a supportive and helpful family without them being obnoxiously overinvolved.

He raises an eyebrow, and I feel myself blush slightly. God, this guy makes me feel like a fool for just existing.

Whit was great too - him getting adopted by Whits family so easily was very sweet.

The writing was pretty choppy at the beginning, but it did smooth out later. It did also get a little sex heavy later on, which left it a little imbalanced and I would have liked more focus on emotion but it was still a good read.

I think this is one of those books where it could have stayed single POV and done just fine - I felt like I was getting to know Whit through Caleb's POV very well, and the occasional Whit POV felt a little out of place. That's also personal preference to be fair. But this is definitely one where the author can pull off a single POV.

Is this how I look with Whit? Am I this pathetic? Yes, yes. I think I am.

Overall, this was unexpectedly enjoyable - just so sweet and easy to read and funny. Looking forward to the rest of the series, especially having met Sem and Magnus in this one!

Whit on Amazon

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