Review: True North by Corey Kerr

True North True North by Corey Kerr
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A delightful little book once we got past the trash eating problem bear phase. A phase which lasted a huge chunk of the book really. The beginning read like someone's daily log of activities they did with sentences like "JT worked out and had lunch with friends and came back and the bear was eating garbage in his driveway again." (this sentence was not from the book but it may as well have been). Once either I got used to the writing or the book stopped doing that (I couldn't tell you which it was) it got way better! Less garbage was eaten, more cute romance caretaking was occurring, more quiet domesticity at a summer lake house was vibing.

There was also a LOT of dramatique running away into the woods to be a bear because being a human is Hard or whatever and a (view spoiler) that amounted to absolutely nothing except more dramatiques. With less garbage and less dramatiques this would have been a lowkey 5 star read. Probably. Instead it is a 3.5-4 star read. The extra deduction is because JT, one of the main characters, plays for the Toronto NHL team which is gross. I'd rather read about bear garbage than see Toronto succeed at any level even fictionally.

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