Review: Redemption of a Slave by Laura Taylor

Redemption of a Slave Redemption of a Slave by Laura Taylor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I've read a lot of omegaverse and mpreg in my life so when an author can give me something new it's always a treat. The world of Redemption of a Slave had a fairly typical dynamic where alphas are in charge, omegas are the very bottom of the class system, and betas are somewhere in between. What was new were the slight changes to how the biology of alphas, omegas, and betas worked. It was enough to make it feel totally unique. I especially enjoyed how important betas are to the whole omegaverse ecosystem. The reveals of the biology quirks came up in an organic way too which was nice.

Biology and world building aside, the romance in this book was very sweet and very slow burn. The omega main character had gone through a lot so the time and space between the two main characters felt necessary for the romance to develop and made it more believable instead of having a magical healing alpha or whatever. They were very cute together even if the societal structure made their interactions kind of annoying at first since the omega literally did not have any power to say anything.

Which leads me to the slavery/omega rights aspect. Omegas are bought and sold in this universe and the book's message was ultimately "wouldn't life be much better if alphas weren't such huge buttwads and actually used the natural complementary biology between alphas and omegas to make omega lives better??" which I believe is a build up for the second book and its focus on omega rights.

A solid entry in the medium brow omegaverse category. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

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