Review: The High King's Golden Tongue by Megan Derr (Tales of the High Court #1)

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Horse rating: 🐴🐴.5 of 5 horses

An entertaining high fantasy read with a romance (subplot? plot?).

The world building was very well done - detailed and rich. I enjoyed the main characters and the more critical secondary characters a lot, with their distinct personalities.

There were too many other characters for me to handle though. Especially combined with locations and titles, I got lost pretty quick. I fuzzed out like 90% early on because I assumed they were there for color (showing how adept Allen is) but then some came back and I was ?? ...well whatever, I enjoyed it anyway.

It was less political intrigue and more political maneuvering at times. Which is fine, it was a fun read.

Overall, it was a well written book with an engaging story and sweet romance.

The High King's Golden Tongue on Amazon

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