Review: The Barony Bet by Kai Butler (Imperial Space Regency #2)

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Horse rating: 0 of 5 horses

I'm a sucker for pining/unrequited best friends to lovers, so I had to try this. Plus a fake relationship. Catnip!

Unfortunately this still felt shallow to me. I never quite felt all the pining/emotions that Asta had for Deva, and the turnaround/realization Deva had was too simple for me. Or too easy? Not enough emotion!! More feels!!! That's what I'm after with this trope combo. There were a few times it got close but overall, not really.

This had a slow start, setting up a lot of the world and character background, and only really got started at around 30%. The writing I thought was a little awkward as well, I think in its attempts to maintain a historical sort of feel it ended up being stilted.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read, fairly surface but neither great nor terrible.


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