Review: Unwritten Rules by KD Casey (Unwritten Rules #1)

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

There is quite a lot of baseball in this book. Like, more than I was really expecting. The entire book is through the lens of baseball and it's all the main character thinks of and it colors every aspect of his life. I did not find the baseball content unapproachable or exclusionary; I don't watch baseball but I could understand the baseball content described in this book.

There is also a lot more to the book than baseball (I am saying baseball a lot. Baseball baseball baseball). It's also a very romantic book. The two main characters play on the same team at the same position and meet at spring training on year and their romance slowly develops through the spring training. The book is structured a bit unusually with the present day and a series of flashbacks from when the characters meet to the present day. And sometimes flashbacks within the flashbacks. I wasn't ever lost in the narrative but it does add to the denseness of the book so it is not exactly skimmable. Anyway, romance stuff. The characters had a very believable romance and they really cared for each other. Between the cooking and the plants and the secret arm squeeze instead of a kiss and the space they make for each other and the caretaking since one of the main characters is hard of hearing it was very sweet and romantic.

My one big issue with the book is it just sort of ends. There isn't much in the way of a conclusion and we are left with a lot of loose ends. We can assume everything will work out but a bit more of a solid wrap up or epilogue to ensure the happily ever after would have brought this up to a five star read.

So yeah! Endless Baseball. Plus some romance. Read it!


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