Review: Omega for the Pack by NJ Lysk (The Stars of the Pack #1)

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Horse rating: 0 of five horses

But you didn't need to be trying to hurt someone to do it—all it took was chance or carelessness, or just plain ignorance.

This is very existential erotic horror, right on brand for what I expected from a Lysk book. Especially when it's coupled with gender and gender roles in a society and not being in control of your own person.

The horror of being slave to biology, being a slave to your own biology, trapped by society in a role you don't want but can't avoid...too real. The wolf thing added an interesting component of struggling within yourself, while also giving the world some framework.

This had some degree of weird romance(?not the right word) - the alphas were all trying (well except maybe Gabriel, idk about him, I am suspicious) to help Ray adjust and be happy and take care of him...but Ray is still trapped. He adjusts a little by the end, in a way thats just too oof on the nose of old timey gender roles. A little less bleak at the end since he has some biologically driven distraction even as he dislikes it.

Lysk's works sit with me for a very long time, there's something about the totally matter of fact way this is all approached in-universe that makes it extra insidious and creeping horror. So well done.

Omega for the Pack on Amazon

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