Review: Flesh & Blood by Adara Wolf

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Horse rating: 🐴🐴 of 5 horses

Jealousy flared up inside Suraj. Eat him! his mind roared.

Overall I enjoyed this book. Intriguing premise, and I liked the setting.

Suraj was a himbo demon, which was hilarious. A precious himbo!! Madhava had a lot of internal conflict, which I felt was done well.

“Chandra was a great man! You don’t deserve to even utter his name!” “Great. I still don’t know who he is.”
The main thing that grated for me was that there was a lot of hints of politics, especially when they were in the palace, but it never got much depth. Suraj was being his oblivious himbo self, so no help on that front, and Madhava didn't have enough knowledge to pick out the nuances. I'd have liked that part being expanded a little bit more, given the setup.

I'd give the first part a four star, and the end sort of slid into three star territory. It started off much stronger than it finished. 

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