Review: Deus Ex Mechanic by Ryann Fletcher (The Cricket Chronicles #1)

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Horse rating: 🐴🐴 of five horses

Violet nodded in approval. "Theft is a good first step to piracy,"

This has First Book energy for sure, but I like where it's heading.

I enjoyed the plotline - the Coalition vs pirates, rebels, defections, etc. It was well plotted, the only sticky point is getting between those more smoothly (hence, first book energy).

I liked the characters a lot, they were given creative backstories and motivations. They also had very real struggles - Captain Violet has to struggle with PTSD after some events. I also liked all of the casual rep and acceptance on the ship. Be whoever you are, whoever you want. It was very sweet.

"You aren't weak for experiencing trauma, or anxiety, or anything else. Your strength lies in how much you care for this crew, and in how you pick up and keep moving. Your strength shows with every decision you make, and that's why this crew follows you. It's why we love you." 

I was very entertained by the world this is set in. Steampunk space pirates?? The complete lack of fucks about physics is amazing. It all runs on vibes and they are A+ vibes.

Overall, execution needs a bit of work but very intriguing potential. It dragged a bit in the middle, but I will definitely continue the series!

Deus Ex Mechanic on Amazon

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