Review: Bad With Love by Sophie O'Dare (Marked By His Alpha #1)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Horse rating: 0 of five horse

omg this was adorable and the perfect vibes!!

Light, fluffy, so cute, easy read with entertaining characters...whats not to love.

Roman is PRECIOUS and PERFECT and i will fight you if you disagree with me because you are wrong I couldn't get over how he'd been trying to show Warren he loved him and was trying to be perfect for him for the whole 13 years..!! It was so sweet. I could see it but of course Warren thought it was Roman being a competitive dick. Perfection.

I didn't really manage to read the blurb, and I'm happy to read alpha/alpha romances....but secret omega!?! Secret omega who doesn't even know hes an omega and has surprise heat??? MORE

“Your cologne.” I loop my arms around his neck and snuggle in to drag the scent into my lungs. “What brand?” “I don’t wear cologne.”
omg the best trope ever plsss

The surprise heat was done so well too (to my personal specifications, which are obviously the most correct opinion), with it being creeping and slow so it was easy and believable for Warren to dismiss the symptoms and end up in a dumb spot.

I liked the mean rich status obsessed family too - a great note for the story without taking over or souring the main story.

Overall, I loved this. Adorable, cozy fluffy love. On to the next!!


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