ARC Review: Witch 13 by Patrick Delaney

Witch 13

Witch 13 by Patrick R. Delaney
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Expected Publication: June 7, 2022

View all my reviews


 I enjoyed this book quite a bit more than I expected to. The slow-building dread and tension through the beginning and the ramp up in action at the end were very well done. The middle section spends a lot of time on back story and point of view from other characters and tended to drag a bit. Some of the flashbacks got very repetitive but once the importance of these were made clear I understood why they were included.

The weakest part of the book was the very, very end. The main character's story was not given enough time to breathe to make an impact in the way it could have. The same can be said for the lore of the witches which took a very long time to be revealed in the book. The ending would be improved with a bit more time spent on the witch and the main character and less time on the other side characters, especially the kid.

Overall this was a good solid horror book with a lot of blood and guts and scary stuff and everything you want. Oh, and the best part was the art included in the book! The art enhanced the narrative and gave it a nice moody atmosphere. Excellent addition.

I received an ARC copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.


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