Weekly Reading Roundup: April 29th, 2022


the Kevin's Reads of the Week

Not a terribly wild week this week it turns out.

The Soldier and the Spy (Society of Beast #2) by Annabelle Greene 4 stars

This was a great easy read, historical without being overly bogged down in historical verbiage. Very sweet, with the neediness between the characters at a great level, and dramatically romantic moments. Definitely has my attention caught for the next one in this series!

Crazy Kinky Dirty Home Invasion and Crazy Kinky Dirty Clowns by KA Merikan Kindle Unlimited, both 4 stars

Two more erotic shorts in this bundle (Crazy Kinky Dirty Love) - home invasion and clown abduction. Creative beyond measure. And somehow a very cute relationship under it, their communication is just A+ to pull all this off. One more entry left! 

The Servant and the Gentleman (Society of Beast #3) by Annabelle Greene 5 stars
ARC. Release Date: May 17th 

omg this was somehow even better than the second book! 100% swoon. 100% adorable, so beautiful seeing the characters come together and become better versions of themselves to be better together. It was all around A+ amazing. It releases the 17th!!!

Lost Touch (Mismatched Mates #5) by Eliot Grayson Kindle Unlimited, 4 stars

This was a good read, pretty on par with the others (except the third book, which we do not discuss) in the series. I think it tried to have too many plot elements going on, and would have been better if it’d focused in more on the amnesia/magic/prison stuff. Still very fun, easy, some interesting and surprising kinks dropped in as well. 

Ellie's Reads of the Week

The Servant and the Gentleman (Society of Beast #3) by Annabelle Greene 5 stars
ARC. Release Date: May 17th 

Like the Kevin, I also loved this one. I was already impressed with the quality of the writing in book 2, but somehow it got even better in this new one! It's a great high steam historical romance with amusing flirty banter just like its predecessor, and there are even more swoony and emotional moments. Seriously, I can't wait to buy it when it comes out so I can transfer my 50+ highlights on the Kindle file and stare at them forever. It has all the tropes I like, and even more: class differences, hurt/comfort, fake relationship(!), slow-ish burn, forced proximity (and only one bed), long time pining, great caretaking... I would seriously recommend even for people who don't usually like historical romance! 

Under His Control (Under His Heel #3) by Adara Wolf. 4 stars.

I read the first two books in this series last week. It's a hard series to review as individual installments, so I will write a review for the whole series on this blog soon, after I got a little time to arrange my thoughts. Book #3 was my favorite of the series, as the plot gets thicker and some backdrop themes of the previous books become more central to the story. I really loved those scenes where Tracht was more vulnerable, and the ending, in particular, was weirdly sweet.

Under His Skin (Under His Heel #4) by Adara Wolf. 4 stars.

I thought the legal plot was a little less interesting at first, since we're not abroad the ship anymore, and I missed seeing Alex interact with the crew and being responsible of some of the ship duties in book 3. What won me over is how the whole question of Alex's agency or lack thereof concluded in this book. From book 1, there were some passages that hinted at this whole "capacity to consent" issue, and I'm glad this thread became more and more important in the series, without becoming a heavy-handed dissertation on social determinism. This is the kind of light existential horror that Adara Wolf writes so well in the middle of all the kink and torture, and this is what's going to stay with me long after I'm done with this series.

Under His... Shorts (Under His Heel #5) by Adara Wolf. 4 stars.

I never know how to rate those kind of "extras", but those were fun. Lot of flash fictions and some longer short stories going from before the first book in the series to after the last one. Even though the resulting book is pretty much novel-length with 280 pages, this reads pretty fast. I particularly appreciated seeing Tracht and Alex from other people's eyes! And of course I liked every moment that come anywhere close to romantic, in Tracht's special, twisted and messed up way. 

This is taboo monster erotica on Smashwords. Overall, just OK. I weirdly wished there was a little more to the plot, because the setting is intriguing. 

A 7k erotica freebie you get by subscribing to Piper Scott's newsletter, which features Professor/student, omegaverse, Mpreg, a little twist at the end. Fun and hot, I honestly would have liked a longer version!

Erratic's Reads of the Week

Demons Do It Better by Louisa Masters 2.5 stars Audiobook narrated by Joel Leslie. The narration was solid but the book was lackluster. It had about 100 different ideas that were all half baked and had no payoff. If the plot had stuck with maybe one or two it would've been more enjoyable. It could've been a book about a human working in a supernatural government agency! It could have been a book about a human dating a demon! It could have been a book about a human who has latent shifter DNA! It could've been a book about experimenting on humans and paranormals! Instead it attempted to be all of these things without seeing any of them through and the romance was barely even a thing. AND on top of all the extra partially executed ideas there were several pages dedicated to one scene where the POV MC was drunk and rambling. It was unnecessary and stupid. The rating is because the narration was good and the ideas were neat but that's about it.

The Reluctant Companion by HL Day 4 stars rounded up ARC review. This is a fun and light read that follows the MCs through a lot of different adventures. Don't expect anything too deep or dramatic from it. And don't expect any lion shifters because so far there are none. Full review is on the blog!

Entanglement by Cass Lennox 4 stars ARC review. Release date May 2, 2022. This is an FF book set in SPACE! I finished this week. It was very much a sci-fi first novel but was interesting to read! I will post a more thorough review on the blog later.


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