Review: Peter Cabot Gets Lost by Cat Sebastian (The Cabots #1)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars


If there was a book version of catnip for me it would be this book. It has a road trip, a couple of dingdongs falling in love along the way, it's short, and it's very sweet with a dash of humor. All of my favorite things! I mean, the book has the main characters saying things like this:

"All it takes is three days, a couple newspapers, and a handsome face, and I lose my principles."

Isn't that cute? This book is just super cute and Cat Sebastian wrote it in a masterful way where no word is wasted. Tightly written historical fluff is something I want more of so I suppose I'll just have to read the other book in the series now.

Peter Cabot Gets Lost on Amazon

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