ARC Review: Night and Day by Georgia C. Williams

Night and Day

Night and Day by Georgia C. Williams

Expected publication: May 17th 2022
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

DNF 10%

I knew almost immediately I wouldn't be able to read this book but gave it a fair shake by reading the first 10% anyway because you never know sometimes books just start awkwardly and then get better! ;however, this book continued to get more awkward. The writing was best described as "random". One second one of the main characters is spilling coffee on the other main character and the next paragraph they're at a museum before work? Nothing made sense. Some events that happened in the exactly two chapters I managed to read:

-Main characters meet at a coffee shop and Joel (main point of view character) spills coffee on the other main character.
-Joel is self-conscious about wearing bright colors
-Joel is berated by his father
-It is announced by aforementioned father that Joel will become managing partner of the law firm they work at
-Joel and Raiden (other main character) visit a museum
-This museum visit happens before work? What kind of hours are these people keeping.
-Joel hopes he can bond with his father
-Joel's coworkers are randomly rude to Joel with no consistency or reason, up to and including leaving a bar early because they thought Joel wouldn't show. This co-worker who invited him called Joel before and after this coworker meet up and they still bailed on him??
-Raiden says he doesn't know why anyone bothers to buy Christmas trees
-Yet goes with Joel to buy a Christmas tree. Like, immediately agrees to do this.
-And then goes home with Joel to set it up. And this ALSO happens before work!
-Joel and Raiden make out in approximately 4 different locations including the co-worker's abandoned bar where they spend several paragraphs berating a patron of the bar in a fatphobic way.
-Whilst making out in various places, Joel does the following: fears being rejected by Raiden, wonders about testing for STDs, thinks about how he is single and alone and has never been kissed at 35, answers a phone call from a co-worker, and wants to tell Raiden they're moving too fast but thinks having a boner would negate this?????????

So as you can see, a lot happened in two chapters, most of which made zero sense and none of it set up any sort of plot. Sprinkle on top fatphobia, lack of boundaries, very rude side characters, misunderstanding of consent, purchasing Christmas trees and visiting museums before work, and problematic insertion of a white dude being obsessed with Japanese culture, and you can see why I had to DNF at 10%.

I received an ARC copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.


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