Review: Machine Metal Magic by Hanna Dare (Mind and Machine #1)

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Horse rating: 🐴🐴 of five horses
“So who’s this?” The captain spread his arms. “Our salvation.” “Our salvation looks like he could use a sandwich,” Mags said.

A generally entertaining and easy sci-fi read. 

Jaime was a great main character - he felt fully developed and had his own history and motivations that worked well within the scenes.

Rylan...less so. I'm not sure what happened here, but he felt very two dimensional to me. I never felt like he was a complete character, he was more of an outline of a character. Noble, a bit of a blockhead, idk. Faintly sketched.

Rylan being sort of empty made it hard to buy into any romance/emotional connection between the two. I wasn't quite sure what Jaime saw in Rylan, so their eventual love stuff fell flat for me. Which is unfortunate, because Jaime deserves nice things ok

I liked a lot of the secondary characters too! The crew was well done, the captain was especially hilarious. This added to my confusion of Rylan being an outline - if everyone else is developed, what happened to him? Oh well. The crew was fun. Even the ship had a personality!

The author has a fun way with conversations and dialogues, a lot of amusing moments.

Plotwise, it felt like it was a little unbalanced overall. Too much plot happened very quickly at the end, compared to what was earlier. I saw the hinting of things in earlier scenes, but almost too much of it happened towards the end. It wasn't bad, just a little slow in the beginning and heavy in the end.

The plot overall was creative, and I liked how it was set up, it just wasn't quite pulled off. Intrigued to see how this author grows into her work, she's clearly got potential in this one.

Overall, a light, enjoyable read. Some fun scifi details (the arm!! dub!!). Will continue series at some point.


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