ARC Review: Entanglement by Cass Lennox


My rating: 4 of 5 stars 
Expected publication: May 2nd, 2022

They had each other, and that was more than enough.

This book was a short yet complex sci-fi novel with a secondary romance. Very much a sci-fi first novel. The story started slow because of the world building and took a while to pick up. However, once I finally adjusted to the world in Entanglement the story became much more compelling and unraveled itself along the way. As I said, the romance is secondary to the main sci-fi action plot, but it was very sweet and there were underlying hints about how much the two main characters cared about each other throughout the story.

While there was a complete narrative arc and it was interesting it still felt like a prequel to a larger universe and many of the ideas could have used more exploration. The idea of entanglement, modified humans vs regular humans, and the romance all felt like they were just beginning! I still enjoyed the book a lot and it was refreshing to read a sci-fi novel that takes place in a relatively small area (neither of the two main characters even leaves the planet during the book!) because really why are characters in these types of books always getting on spaceships and going to a million places. I hope there are more books in this universe because I am interested to know more!

I received an ARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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