the kevin's Weekly Roundup: Week of April 23 - April 29

A lower volume reading week I guess.

The Soldier and the Spy by Annabelle Greene - Society of Beasts 2 4/5

This was a great easy read, historical without being overly so. Very sweet, with great neediness between the characters and romantic drama moments.

Crazy Kinky Dirty Home Invasion and Crazy Kinky Dirty Clowns by KA Merikan Kindle Unlimited 4/5 both

Two more erotic shorts in this bundle - home invasion and clown abduction. Creative beyond measure. And somehow a very cute relationship under it, their communication is just A+ to pull all this off.

The Servant and the Gentleman by Annabelle Greene - Society of Beasts 3 ARC 5/5

omg this was somehow even better than the second book! 100% swoon. 100% adorable, so beautiful seeing the characters come together and become better versions of themselves to be better together. It was all around A+ amazing. It releases the 17th!!!

Lost Touch by Eliot Grayson Kindle Unlimited 4/5

The newest Mismatched Mates entry - it was a good read, pretty on par with the others (except the third, which we don't talk about) in the series. I think it tried to have too many plot elements going on, and would have been better if it’d focused in more on the amnesia/magic/prison stuff. Still very fun.


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